An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Just Sing! Community Choir without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Just Sing! Community Choir are listed below...
Ensure the Constitution of the Group is followed and that all Officers and Committee members are aware of their responsibilities.
Chair meetings of the Group (including Committee, Annual General and Special/Extraordinary General) and ensure accurate minutes are recorded.
Maintain an overview of the Group’s finances.
Maintain an overview of the activities of the other Officers, the Ordinary Committee Members, any Sub-committees or Working Groups and of other Members involved in the running of the Group.
Actively seek opportunities to promote and publicise the Group.
To ensure that the Group’s finances are managed in an efficient manner in accordance with the aims and objectives agreed by the elected Committee on behalf of all members. To advise the Committee on all aspects of financial matters in order to ensure that the Group’s funds are used solely for the good of its members and are kept solvent at all times.
Look out for and welcome new/prospective members at rehearsals and introduce them to an existing member from the section that they will be joining.
Ensure that new members complete a membership form and pay the annual subscription
Add new members details to the Member’s database and the Group’s email account
Send welcome e-mail
Notify Music Director, Webmaster and Treasurer of new members who have filled in a membership form and paid the annual subscription
Ensure that the Webmaster creates a web account for the new member
In April every year check that the contact details for all current members are correct and make amendments to the Members database and email account as appropriate.